Edelman Global Advisory, geëngageerde Nederlandse jongeren, Minglers, C’est tof in den Hof, Vlaams departement van landbouw en visserij, Robert, Evelien, Annelore, Sigrid, Rita, Laurence en Tim

Edelman Global Advisory, a communications firm in an evolving geopolitical environment, is not only about online communication, in full action in our kayaks on the canal they too communicated that they would like to see a clean and green canal and Senne without pollution.
And together with them a group of Dutch engaged youngsters, lots of Minglers, C’est tof in den hof , the flemish department of agriculture and fisheries, Robert, Evelien, Annelore, Sigrid, Rita, Laurence, Tim and all their kayaking partners.
A sincere thank to you to Edelman for the financial gesture.