Deposithon – our big summer action from July until September

JOIN US this summer for the DEPOSITHON, a cleanup marathon for the introduction of a DEPOSIT on cans and plastic bottles and the use of more reusable packaging. It’s time to tackle the litter problem at its roots and to break the industry’s refusal of this system. Because Brussels can’t act alone, we partnered up with organisations in Flanders and Wallonia to spread the action all over Belgium.
🛶 In BRUSSELS you can join us for a kayak trip on the canal. For the first time at two locations!
🛶 In GHENT you can fish the trash out of the water per canoe with Dokano
🕺 In OOSTENDE you can join Proper Strand Lopers – Pagina every evening at 20h to go trash-picking on the beach
🛶 In NAMUR you can join Marc Kayak on the water everyday at 14h
🕺 And Clean Walker Belgique organises different cleanup actions throughout WALLONIA and in BRUSSELS
✏️ If you can’t join us, you can still help us! We would like to go to the different parliaments to present our PETITION and encourage politicians to act today. Send us your signature on paper by email or mail (as required by the Flemish parliament).
More info, reservations, and petition (also in NL and FR) :