Sad but true, but we will have to reduce the number of kayak trips due to the new measures. But Saturday 14th of March we had a whole bunch of New Kids.
Marthe and her friends Lina, Jilke and Britt got to know Canal It Up for Marthes Bachelor test. They will use the trash fished out of the canal to studie the canal area. But foremost they would like to start a similar project in Vilvoorde. Good luck!
Afterwards a whole group of younsters from ToekomstATELIERdelAvenir joined us: Yassin, Sofiane, Salah Din, Othman, Safya, Fatima, Rayan, Ayman, Salamata, Gracia, Safae, Shehrazade, Zohaib en Yaacoub, Emile & Sarah. TADA encourages the youngsters with extra lessons and meetings to be curious. So they came to see what we do and what we stand for. They had an amazing time and would come back with their parents.
Last but not least Charlotte who came for her studies. We are impatient to see the result of her report.