Many HANDS make the job very EASY. Group after group our kayaks are doing so many kilometers in their hunt for trash. And the trash is never far away.
One of the discoveries was a voodoo doll, clearly used in a ritual. If the goal was to drown it in the end, that part failed, it was a swimmer.
Everybody brought signatures, also Norman and his friends. Earlier this year they collected 1.000 signatures to go to the Brussels parliament and ask for the introduction of the deposit system. Until today no real steps are taken in that direction.
Brik – Student in Brussel brought 10 youngsters who may be back in Brussels very soon to start their studies and student life.
@Youca joined us with another group of young people for their YOUCamp. Besides fishing for trash they brainstormed about the challenges on equal opportunities and non-discrimination.
And last but not least we can’t not notice the amount of dead animals these last months… Every dead animal is one too much but the frequency of spotting them is much higher than normal.