In the last week of September, we welcomed motivated students. For some, it was even their first kayaking adventure and we are more than happy to have allowed them to discover the canal this way. We would even be happier if we could organise kayaking trips in a clean and healthy environment, but that will […]
Brussels Clean Festival en Degroof Petercam Foundation
The first rains didn’t slow down the arrival of volunteers who were still numerous at the beginning of autumn!During the Brussels Clean Festival, a whole group joined us for a cleanup on the water and on the quays. City to Ocean also won the first prize in the category ‘non-profit and citizen initiatives’!Also thank you […]
Jongeren op een zwerfroute, MPC Sint Fransiscus, Euroclear en DKV/Ergo
Between the automn winds or rains, the groups we welcomed were fortunate to have some sunny weather ! And the sunny motivation helped, they cleaned up enormous of waste! One of the groups were 18+ youngsters on a zwerfroute, difficult to translate te English:).In 40 minutes, the 7 volunteers of the MPC Sint Fransiscus collected […]
Herbeleef de conferentie “The future of waste”
Herbeleef de conferentie “The future of waste” Afval is een aanzienlijk probleem geworden in veel stedelijke gebieden. Steden en gemeenten kunnen de snelheid waarmee openbare vuilbakken worden gevuld niet bijbenen, waardoor ze overstromen. Vuilzakken voor onze huizen zijn onderhevig aan wind, regen en dieren, en de hoeveelheid verpakkingen waarmee consumenten overspoeld worden is oncontroleerbaar. Daarom heeft […]