The pleasure was ours to welcome 3 New Kids this Monday. The weather forecast announced rain, rain, rain. Since Canal It Up and the New Kids are not afraid to get wet, we did not let that stop us. Special kudos to the New Kids since they did not only clear the canal, but also the sky 😊. Another dry trip!
The engine of the red kayak was our good friend Christophe, aka the Basketball Free Throw Specialist. After many promises from Pieter to take Christophe for a trip, we finally fixed a date while Pieter is in Chili. Sporty and green in his ways of transportation, after kayakking he jumped back on his bike for a 25km ride home. Peanuts for this cycling enthusiast and known nightrider.
The two other New Kids were Léa and Julien from France. They work in the field of urban/landscape architecture and help people to have a better view on the world through glasses which match their style and needs.
Léa expected to have some discussions with Julien while peddling and fishing but to their own surprise, their kayak skills were perfectly synchronized from the start. The floating waste did not have a chance to escape this French brigade. Thankful to have this passionate an cheerful couple in town and our kayak.